
среда, 7 сентября 2016 г.

Surprise from me and 7 Dots! Cюрприз от 7 Dots и нашей команды!

Hello, everybody! Всем привет!
Today I have something special - a kind of surprise from me and 7 Dots Studio. Something similar to blog-hop but more a kind of a journey around the world - to the places that are in hearts of all 7 Dots Studio Design Team members. Be prepared for something unusual - grab your coffee and sit comfortably. Are you ready? So please continue reading.

Сегодня наша команда хочет предложить Вам путешествие по странам и городам, в которых мы живем, это маленькое приключение по типу блог хопа! Компания 7 Dots Studio отправляет заказы по всему миру, в каждый уголок планеты, если там есть почтовое отделение) Для наших клевых 7 точек не существует преград и расстояний!)
Я представляю свою страну небольшим коллажем двух столиц - Москвы и Петербурга.

I have chosen to represent my country's two cities, Moscow - the capital of my homeland, and St. Petersburg - a cultural capital.

Итак, мы предлагаем любому покупателю скидку в 15% на любую продукцию магазина 7 Dots, которая действует до 9 сентября, таким образом у вас есть 2 дня, чтобы выбрать что-то по душе. Скидка предоставляется по специальному купону, это слово - которое вы составите по буквам, которые, в свою очередь, найдете в блогах наших дизайнеров. Получив кодовое слово, сделайте заказ в магазине, возвращайтесь в блог 7 Dots, оставляете комментарий с номером своего заказа и получаете возможность бесплатной доставки, которая будет разыграна случайным образом) Заманчиво? Тогда начнем! Маршрутный список внизу:

You know, that 7 Dots Studio DT members come from all over the world - each of them wants to share a piece of their "daily world" - to show you places, towns, cities, countries, where they live. And we are especially happy that in our times, there are no distance, that could be an obstacle in sending things around the world. 7 Dots Studio products are in each place, where 7 Dots Studio DT members live. I would like you to know 7 Dots Studio has a store, where you can buy their products and they can ship them to any place in the world. So no matter how far or how close to 7 Dots Studio you live, you can always order your favourite supplies and they will pack them with love and send to you (always as trackable, priority post).
On top of the great journey, you can start in a while, or you have just already started on 7 Dots Studio blog ( http://7dotsstudio.com/archives/241... ), hopping on our DT members blogs, we would like to offer you a special discount for our store - 15% off everything - it is valid for all purchases till September 9th. So you have 2 days to visit our store and decide, what you would like to order. The discount will be available after using a special coupon code. When you visit all the blogs in particular order (info below and on each blog there will be information about previous blog and next one) you will gather all letters (not all blogs have letters for you - please remember it), and all the letters will be your coupon code valid for any purchase in our store till September 9th.So are you ready? :)If yes, please start hopping. The first blog is: Keren Tamir - https://kerentamir.blogspot.com/And here is the full list of blogs in particular order, so if you would get lost, you always can take a look at the list below and to be on track again.
So to sum things up:
- visit all blogs in particular order
- enjoy photos and videos from the places our design team members live
- gather all letters to receive 15% discount for everything in 7 Dots Studio store
- come back and leave them a comment here with your order number and they will also choose one random person that will receive free shipping on that order.
I have no letter for coupon code) и да, у меня нет буквы для кодового слова, бегите дальше в гости в другие блоги!)

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